Kim Airs. Amanda Palmer. Kirsten Vangsness. The Dirty View
Happy Friday! Okay, this one’s an oldie, but I wanted to share it with you all anyway because:
A. I’ve never mentioned it on my blog before, and
B. It’s really cool and you should know about it.
With that out of the way, may I present to you a podcast I recorded with Amanda Palmer, er, I mean, Amanda Fucking Palmer and Kirsten Vangsness from Criminal Minds back on March 11, 2011 at SModCastle in Hollywood.

Source: AFPWire
It’s The Dirty View! We talked all about sexual health, our experiences with Planned Parenthood, birth control, and more. It was fun and educational. Plus, yours truly brought along a bunch of sex toys and they sure are fun to hear on the radio!

What, did you think I was kidding about the putting a condom on with my mouth trick? Source: AFP Wire
After we all chatted for a bit, Amanda sang “Map of Tasmania” (with vibrator accompaniment) and we answered a few questions from the audience. Good times!
The really cool part is you can listen to the podcast free or even download it for however much you’re willing to pay. 100% of the proceeds go to Planned Parenthood so if you believe in the work they do or enjoyed hearing us talk about sexual health (or enjoyed hearing me put a condom on with my mouth), think about shelling out a few bucks, would ya?
It’s for a good cause and I had a lot of fun. What more could you ask for?