Not my legs. But if they were, I’d be spreadin’ em. Ha!
I’m doing something I’ve always wanted to do…
You know, I’m pretty comfortable in my own skin. After being in the
sex toy biz for 20 years now, I think I gotta be. And, to add even more years to the whole sex thing, I really got my swerve on in 1987 after I got officially divorced after 7 ½ years of marriage. True. But that’s another blog.
I’ve always been one to live out my fantasies and encourage others to do the same. I mean, why just always THINK about doing something without ever ACTING on it? Sure, there are some that you just don’t want to go there with (underage sex, fucking your horse, swinging from the top of the Empire State Building), you know, stuff like that. But there are many others that you CAN go for, ones that may be considered extreme or taboo or just plain crazy enough that you’d be crazy enough to do it.
Well, I’m happy to report, I’m doing it. “It” is something that I’ve done before but in a different situation. “It” being something that I got such absolute pleasure from, I want to do it again. “It” being something that I told no one else about except someone who had previously been my boss and who I trusted with all of my secrets. “It” being a job that I didn’t even tell my boyfriend at the time about. “It” being sex work.
“It” being a whore.
Yep. I said it. Many years ago, I worked as a call girl for two years while I was working full time at Harvard University. Yes, THAT Harvard.
During those two years flat backin’ for fun and profit, I experienced countless amazing episodes of expressed sexuality whether it was being intimate with a recently widowed young man, watching porno while chomping on popcorn with a guy, listening to someone’s life story without judgment, and of course, providing plenty of men with delightful handjobs, blowjobs and plain ol’ fucking.
Yes, I miss sex work and I’m going back for more.
From August 16 through August 23, I will be working for a week at a well established brothel up in Carson City, Nevada, where whoredom is plentiful AND legal. It will be the first time I’m holed up (so to speak) with a herd of other gals all out for the same thing. A gaggle of gals where I’m probably old enough to be their mother and probably for some of them, their GRANDMOTHER but I’m not gonna go there with that.
I think of the maturity and experience I can bring to the table or bed when I think of working at the brothel. You know, there’s PLENTY of young, studly twenty somethings that are willing to part with hard earned cash to be intimate with a strong, older woman who doesn’t care about how many posts she has on Facebook and Twitter (okay, actually, I WOULD but that’s not why I’m parting my legs). There are many men who want to get nailed in privacy, plenty of guys who for no other reason, want to have sex with a stranger. There’s plenty of guys who may be disabled and want to experience passion for the first time. But I’m not doing it for them, no, I’m doing it to experience my fantasy because I’ve never worked in a brothel before and I have always wanted to.
Besides which, you wouldn’t buy a book from an illiterate bookseller, would you?
Plus, it’ll give me a lot to write about and post here with anonymity guaranteed. So stay tuned for more ramblings about being a living, breathing sex worker. And if you’ve ever wanted to get with that mature and experienced woman, just book an appointment with me at the Love Ranch North. I promise I won’t write about you unless you really want me to.
See ya at the Ranch…